The second film im analysising is called Find Me
This film also shows a lot of the conventions associated with thriller films but as it goes on it seems to cross over into a horror film. This film, however feels more like just an opening than the previous one did.
This film has some good editing and camera angles in it. When the girl is running away at the start the editing on her makes her look very ghost like and starts to build suspense and gets the audience to ask questions. The quick cross cuts at the start establish the setting and having the body in the middle seems very out of place in the location, this is a good way to establish the genre as once again it makes the audience question things and it sets up the fast pace, synonomous with thriller films. The flash of the young girl puts the audience on edge and makes them look out for her in the dense wood once she dissappears. The fact that not much is given away in this film is good it leaves the audience wanting more, the cross cuts to different scenes causes confusion (although possibly too much) and confirms thoughts that the whole situation is wrong. The credits are quite good in this film most of them come at the right time in the right order but the font colour is white and in the bright forest where most of them come up its very hard to see them, also the film title comes right at the end of the opening which is a common mistake but a mistake none the less.
At the start of the film there is alot of back ground wind noise this makes the film seem quite ammature, it would have been better to mute all sound from the clip in editing and then added the bird sounds artificially to make it sound cleaner and more high budget. The sudden cuts to different places like the girl in her room and the church dont make much sense in the context it makes it seem quite discontinuous and confusing which isn't something usually found in a thriller film, they are usually continuous as they are telling a story and following a character. This film comes across more like a horror than a thriller in parts. The creepy voice over is less intreauging and hooking but more scary. Also as soon as the opening cuts are over the pace is very slow, this lowers the suspense and makes it seem more like a horror film as in a horror things usually start at equilibrium and get worse whereas thrillers are usually at disequilibrium from the off set.
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