Tuesday 7 February 2012

certification of popular themes with in a genre

Films in certain genres tend to have a certain certification, horror films for example usually have a higher certification due to the violence and language they have in them. Animated films are more likely to have lower certifications as they are aimed at children. I went onto IMDB to look at the highest grossing films of different genres and see what the average certification is. By doing this I would be able to have a better idea who to aim our film at once the genre had been decided.

  • What Lies Beneath- 15
  • Gremlins- 15
  • The Blair Witch Project- 15
  • Godzilla- PG
  • The Ring- 15
Out of the 5 top grossing films 4 of them were certified as 15's. This tells me that if we are going to make a horror film it will have to be aimed at the older market, if we made a horror film aimed at the younger audience it would be very hard to meet the conventions associated with horror films making it quite hard to make it a successful horror film.

  • Shrek 2- U
  • Toy Story 3- U
  • Finding Nemo- U
  • Forrest Gump- 12
  • Shrek the Third- U
4 out the 5 top grossing comedy films are U's. This gives the impression that big budget institutions gear their comedy films towards children as they know that they are going to pull in the biggest profit. Also a lot of these films came out in the summer, this is when children will be out on summer holidays so they will be going to the cinema with their parents more therefore increasing profit.

  • Avatar- 12A
  • The Dark Knight- 12A
  • Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope- U
  • Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Mans Chest- 12A
  • Spider Msn- 12A
4 out of 5 of the action films were certified as 12A. This could be because production companies want their action films to reach the main stream audiences. Action films are usually aimed at the main stream audience so by making them a 12A they will reach the mass audience.

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