Monday 6 February 2012

Classification and censorship

Classification is restricting material that can be consumed on the grounds of age, this is the classifications we see on films and games restricting under age people being able to access them. Censorship is cutting or preventing access to films all together, this is when scenes or clips of films are completely cut from a film as they may be obscene or offensive, The Human Centipede for example had 34 scenes cut from it before it could be released to comply with censorship rules. Classification is split into 5 different areas.
  • U. Universal, suitable for all
  • PG. Parental guidance
  • 12A (12 for DVD's). Suitable for 12 years and over
  • 15. Suitable only for 15 years and over
  • 18. Suitable only for adults
The BBFC is the governing body that oversee's and cerifies all British films (the USA has their own) In 1912 they were given the rights to certify all British films to ensure consistency in veiwing guide lines. In 1984 the BBFC were also given the rightto certify all videos, and later, DVD's.

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