Wednesday 8 February 2012


What is genre?
A genre is the catagory that a film is placed into based on their content and the emotions they provoke. Every genre has specific conventions that a film has to have so it can be classified into that genre. More and more films are crossing the conventions of two or more genres, this is how we get hybrid genres such as Rom-Coms.

Why do we have genres?
We have genres because not everyone has the same taste. Film makers have to appeal to different groups so they have to make sure their films have a variety of genres. Different social groups want different things so films have to be adapted to appeal to these social groups based on the conventions of the film. Genre is also needed as clarification to people. For example, Parents might not want their young children to watch horror films so if a film is given the genre of horror then parents can make sure their children steer clear of it. It also means films can appeal to peoples interests. If someone is very interested in space and aliens then they are likely to want to watch Sci-fi films, if a film didn't keep to the conventions associated with Sci-fi then the genre and film would be lost.

There are 3 types of conventions
  1. Visual conventions. These are conventions you see on the screen, Aliens and space ships would be visual conventions of a Sci-fi film.
  2. Audio conventions. These are conventions you hear, gun shots and cars screeching would be audio conventions of an action film.
  3. Thematic conventions. These are long running narrative conventions you see throughout the film and the genre, death and fear would be thematic conventions of a horror film.

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