Friday 3 February 2012

Film opening research

Hairspray (musical comedy)
To watch this clip, click the link above

This Film opening doesn't give much away about the story or the characters. The song that plays throughout starts of quietly which gives the impression of it playing on a radio, this gives an idea that the narrative is meant to give a sense of reality. It isn't established that the film is a musical but its possibly hinted at from the setting. This comes from the tv studio and due to the fact it comes from the 80's which is when alot of musical film came out. The narrative isn't given away but the board that the girl moves connotes that themes will include competition and decite. Although many characters are introduced in the opening its not really clear if they are main characters or not, we don't see any personality from them or any insight into the type of character they are so the audience can't really tell if they are important characters.

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